Finally my connection allowed me to post the pictures of the Rio de Janeiro and of the party, I had been trying to do this for so long and now here they are. Enjoy.

Today is his birthday, he is my grandfather Ademir, my mother's father.


He and Ângela, his wife.

My uncle Romualdo, he tried to hide himself but I asked him to give me a help because my camera is not so good and then...

hahahaha he helped but the picture didn't was so good.

Hahaha! My aunt Simone. Romualdo's wife. She made a funny face and didn't want let me to post it but now... it's posted.

My cousins: Raphael (in red), Thiago (in yellow), Matheus (my brother in the light blue t-shirt), Romulo (in orange) and Christopher (in black).

João, my friend.

Fábio my friend, a great doctor.

My mother. Uhu!

João and me.

Soraia, my crazy aunt. I think that she looks like my mother.

My uncle André and me.

Sílvia Marina, my cusin. We call her Silvinha.

Oh I love them.


João and me.