Uma pessoinha muito especial, linda e super importante para mim....
Carol, você sabe o quanto eu te admiro e o quanto te amo. Você é minha super amiga, sempre me fala o que eu preciso ouvir nas horas certas e às vezes fica de neurozes mas eu adoro seu jeitinho, você sabe disso.
As coisas nem sempre parecem estar indo muito bem, fases da nossa vida.... Acredite mais naqueles que você ama, cuide sempre daqueles que estão ao seu redor pois todos te amam muito embora problemas aconteçam. Sabemos que só o tempo pode nos mostrar o caminho certo para a compreensão de certas coisas e só ele pode por curativos em nossas feridas, e por maiores que sejam as nossas dores não se preocupe pois achará pessoas que estarão alí, bem pertinho de você, cuidando de você e mesmo que seja só por palavras ou abraços tentando te ajudar a se levantar.
Sou uma dessas pessoas que vai estar sempre ao seu lado, a qualquer hora que você precisar sabe que pode contar comigo, talvez em certas horas eu não seja a melhor pessoa para te acalmar ou te fazer sentir melhor mas saiba que dou o meu melhor para te fazer feliz no máximo que eu puder, sempre. Sou sua amiga, sua fã e tento de proteger sempre que posso em todos os momentos. Para que as coisas ruins fiquem sempre distantes de você. Rezo para que Deus te abençoe e abençoe àqueles que cuidam de você e que te amam.
Amiga, não fique triste pois a sua tristeza também me deixa triste, quero ver sempre o seu sorriso, o seu jeito alegre e brincalhão de ser, sei que não é sempre que podemos fazer isso mas tudo passa, não se preocupe, e se precisar de mim, sabe aonde me encontrar, te amo muito amiga.
Camila Bernardes
Do everything you want to do, say everything you want to say and think what you have to think, don't worry about what will happen. The life is just one, enjoy it. Hey! Help the dogs.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
The day.
This week I have been so busy studing, working and listening to foolish things. I didn't want to do that but I had to ask my father about going with me to take a document that I will need to use this year and the few words he told me just made me feel bad and wish that I hadn't asked about he goes with me, I'm big enough to go there alone, I'm not a kid anymore but I don't know why I'm still like that. He told me that after he comes back from the work today morning we will go there, he will let me crazy, all of me just get unquiet near him because sometimes I hoped to hear different things from the one who is my father.
Yesterday I really worked at the office and today after the lunch I will go there again to finish something I have to do and later make new papers to the people's payment, it must be ready today, I think that about 7 p.m. we can finish it.
I know I have to study if I want something to my life but I really don't want to. Everything is letting me tired and I really don't want to do anything before the University's answer, I know I must wait 4 days to know about it, so, as it's resting just few days I will wait without troubles or worries.
My brother is so stressed these days and I don't know why, I try to ask him but he doesn't notice his changed way, by the way, it will easy fast, inshaa Allah. Just the last thing, I hurted my mouth3 days ago and it's killing me a lot, I can't eat anything and even the medications I take nothing makes it get better.
I want to sleep too much because all my body is asking for help, this hot weather disturbs me and don't allow me to sleep good, believe or not we have to be almost naked to sleep here without use the air condictioner, it's not because the people use to say that the brazilian ones use to be naked, it's just a wrong talk, no one knows the weather here in Rio de Janeiro, just if had come here before.
Talking about Rio de Janeiro did you see what some robbiers did with the English tourists near Copacabana beach? Terrible! More than £ 400.000 was stolen from them, that's why the people just hear bad things about Brazil and after that don't want to come here to visit, some shit people do things like that and everyone pays the high price of being "bad-talked". I do really hate these kind of people and things like that make me shy of tell that I'm brazilian, sometimes we must agree when the others say that we are a bad people... I just want to tell everyone that we aren't a real bad people but like everywhere here is the same, we have violence, maybe too much violence compared to other countries but most of all of us here have a good heart and even the very bad econimic situation we live in nowadays we don't stop smiling or helping someone who needs help, it's our way and by God's bless I hope we still like this forever.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Itacuruçá Island.
My brother, my uncle Ivo, my aunt Flávia, my grandmother Lúcia and me (Camila, of course) went to the beach, it's Itacuruçá Island, if you want to visit one day just talk to me, I can be your guide but I won't pay anything untill you enjoy, bring your money with you :-D. See the pictures.
Someone fishing.
When we were going to the island.
My gradma frightned about the sea and the boat hehehe.
Don't ask me what's that.
I also don't know what's that.
My aunt.
My brother's head.
By Camila.
Someone fishing.
When we were going to the island.
My gradma frightned about the sea and the boat hehehe.
Don't ask me what's that.
I also don't know what's that.
My aunt.
My brother's head.
By Camila.
The little river with hot water.
My uncle and my aunt.
My uncle and my brother.
The river!!!
A tree in the sand.
My grandmother walking when we were going to the restaurant.
The stuffs we brought are in my aunt's hands, she just wanted to run but I was fast.
Aha! I got them!
My aunt.
My sweety grandmother...
The beach.
By Camila.
What a beautiful sky!!!! I love my Rio de Janeiro!.
I didn't want to take a picture of my uncle's back was just trying to take a picture of the stuffs in his hands. Don't look at this with bad eyes please...
A little poodle playing in the sand.
Nice picture from the sea.
I was there, but now we had walked to the restaurant which is in the other side, I think we could had walked around all the island but they didn't want, but with sure, we were burning.
The beach where the port is.
Just pictures.
By Camila.
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