Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rules - Zahir

Talking about love. I really don't know what to talk about it and I would like to ask the readers to colaborate with me and give the opinions.

I'm reading a book called Zahir and I would like to indicate it to everyone, the author is Paulo Coelho, it's not because he is Brazilian or something like that but it's a book that in the beginning I didn't understand but now, from the middle to the end it's being very interesting to the ones who are having a love relationship.

I started understanding things that I didn't imagine that they could exist. Different points of view about what everyone call love but that has a different meaning to each one who feels it.

I want to know the opinion of everyone who visit this page because in this book, when we are feeling full of our life or just needing to take away the problems we think they are so big it's just repeat, I mean, talk about them everytime untill the time you feel you are softer. But to don't let this space you made empty become full of something again like these old memories we must full this lack with something else, with another feelings and find what we call happiness by using the love energy.

Yes, I know it's seeming to be something from another planet or just hard to understand, but I want to tell what the book says that maybe make you understand or just "see" the things by another sight.

Why do we say that love is find someone to stay with all the life, have kids, stay with this same one respecting the wedding rules like "stay with this one untill your death comes"? The doubt that was in the book: who did make these rules? Who said when we will old we must keep the love with no adventures and stand the routine thinking "it's ok, we can stand it because of the kids" when we are just getting bored with life and work more to forget the problems, give extra attention to the kids to busy the time instead of talk about the things and share feelings? Why can't we do what we say that it's not normal, or maybe, just what we consider different?

I will post the answer that is in the book, but later, not now. First I want to see the opinions of you all who have the chance to read it. It's not a new rule to be followed but just an idea to think about.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Casamento Marroquino

Hahaha! I think it will be like me and my family in Morocco in the day we have the chance to be there. They are so funny guys enjoying the party! Hahaha and poor people that don't understand them! I loved these videos!

Casamento Marroquino Part2

Dissidenten - Fatamorgana

The lyric is below, just don't ask me what's the meaning of it because I don't understand Arabic, it's just to help the ones who know it.

Fatamorgana lyric in arabic.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Thursday will be my uncle Anderson's wedding. I think it will be a nice party but it will be maybe something that I will never have in my life, neither wedding or kids but God knows the right things in our lives.
Something that people says here: Quem não deve não teme.
That God be fair to the right ones as He always do.

Jojo - Too Little Too Late

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Travel to São Lourenço, Minas Gerais. Night (dia 15/06/07).

It was a wonderful travel. It was just missing some details but I can't complain. Everything was so nice and we enjoyed a lot. Our guide was pretty good with us and I just have to thank them for everything and for my family be with me. On the way to Minas Gerais, we crossed São Paulo too. So I can say I had been there.
Paulo Guilherme, the guide.
Nico and Mom in the bus.
Grandma and me!!!!! :P
Mom in the bathroom.
A nice paint in the wall.

We were in Itatiaia, in Graal restaurant and shop Faraó.

Continuing the trip.
In our stop in Graal, in Resende, grandma near the bus.
In the hotel.
Cold night.
My warm bed.
Nico sleepy.
Grandma preparing herself to sleep.
I will change my clothes, don't worry.
In the morning...
In the games room...
Grandma, Matheus, our guide Paulo Guilherme and mom.
Me and my brother in the first day in the hotel. After waking up of a tired night of travel.

The park.
The hotel sight.
O pavão.
O pavão e as galinhas fazendo um tour pelo hotel.
O pavão feliz.

Babies playing. Obs: they were playing with me of bite my hand.
A little bigger babies.
A big one.
Young cows and bulls.
So beautiful!

Taking sun.
Um tipo diferente de bambú. Verde e amarelo, cor do Brasil.
Matheus e as pinhas.
Mom and Nico in the 'I don't know what'.
Matheus e dona Betânia.
Matheus and me.
Festa Junina's salloon.
A araucária.

The swimming pool.