Do everything you want to do, say everything you want to say and think what you have to think, don't worry about what will happen. The life is just one, enjoy it.
Hey! Help the dogs.
My sweet family: father, brother, me, mother, Rabie, grandma. I was so happy to see all of them together in a such special day for me.
Now, ready to sign... ... the testmonies and us. The first kiss as married. Exchange of rings.
Signing... Signing...
The judge (Cecília) and the office's worker (Soraia).
Ahhhh Aline, our friend from the other office. Without her and her friends we would be lost. She helped too much and she is too kind, we needed to tell her everything had gone right. Thank you Aline. The comemoration. We just lunched together and went home.
Now, the wedding paper. It's if you want to check if it's true. (Obs: Casamento = Wedding)