From a long time I don't come to post something and it's because the life is being so full and busy. Of course it's because now many things changed. I mean, Rabie is working too much, my mother so. I'm working in my old job as ever and it's normal, but the university is taking too much my time. I don't know if I posted it but one of the dogs from my street (others that I care about too) followed my mother and when she crossed the avenue to go to the bus stop to get in her job he just suffered an accident and unhapply, or happly that he didn't suffer anything more than just break the front left leg he is ok. We took him to the vet and he is with it untill today. I checked now, it happened on May 13.
About the other things... everything is fine and we are planning to make different things. I can't lie, my sleep is taking me and it's driving me crazy but I'm standing. Well, I'm posting from the university because today I had a test in the morning and it's just the other class that we can use the computer. I'm sorry if my English is becoming poor because I'm not using it at all. Rabie is speaking Portuguese and we don't need to speak something else.
I'm thinking about posting the other pictures in my blog but it's being hard because my mother and my brother aren't allowing us to use the computer. They are near to bit if we touch the pc.
If someone who used to read this blog is reading it just send 'hello' as a comment.
See you all.