He's my handsome dog Juninho.

Laika, my beautiful one was making a pose to take this wonderful picture.

They were just being nice, but Juninho didn't like the camera.

Finally they decided to rest.

My street. Isn't it nice?

The little soccer field.

I took it from my mother's bedroom.

Yeah! Our car! A yellow fusca. It's great.

Aha! He didn't want but I got it! It's my father. He was working and didn't want let me take any picture of him.

But in the end he was smiling...

And accepted everything. But kept working without look for the camera.

Then going to my grandmother's house I stopped and took a picture of my father's car, it's so nice to drive.

I got the chance to take a picture of my aunt, she was working too but she smiled to the photo, she is nice.

At grandma's house. She was about to sleep and didn't notice that I was taking pics of her.

Closer.... Now she noticed.

It's my brother, when he was in the couch at our home.

My aunt's car and in the background, the green car, my grandma's one.

My brother tried to take a pic of Laika with me when I could hold her, but our camera isn't so good, so it didn't help at all.

She stood up and was looking at Z� Poeira (my mouse).

Heyyyy! It's my new baby, my new little dog, her name is Shell or Lilica, we don't know yet. Isn't she gorgeous???

She was playing with my brother.

Eating my father's couch. I know what you are thinking, she is looking like a mummy. Yes I know but she is just wearing my father's ex-sock. She was feeling cold.

I think she got tired of playing.

A close on her.

A nice picture.

A close on her face.

My brother and me.

My brother said Okay, it's the enough.

1 comment:
Your dogs are so cute!
I miss you Camila!
If you ever see me online please send me a message. I won't mind, really.
I've been busy lately.
Sometimes I just carried away and don't pay attention to who is online. Sorry dear.
Be happy! Take care.
(I miss you.)
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