___I wanted to write something but my imagination is empty nowadays, I don't know what's happening to me but maybe it's because I'm sleeping too much these days because of the holiday, if you don't know, I'm making a course of law and they gave us one week of holiday because of the end of the year.
___The weather here is getting hotter each day, today my father called me to go to the beach but I declined, I'm not fan of beaches and I just wanted to sleep and think about my life. I'm alone at home right now but I was playing The Sims and after it playing cards versus the computer, I'm getting a great score.
___I was thinking about to write a brazilian soapopera that I like called "Alma Gêmea" but... I don't know if I will really do it, if I do no one will understand anything and I would have to back to the start of the soapopera to write it from the begining, but thinking by the other side it would be nice to do, something interesting and a little bit different to post. The brazilian news aren't good and we never find a good channel of news to tell you about the days here, I thought about try it but the internet also doesn't help, there are just gossip in the magazines.
___I wanted to send a big HI to my friend Katie, maybe she reads this, it's just because from some time I don't see her, maybe she is enjoying somewhere with her friends. I wish her happy times and a enjoy dear, be happy always. About my other friends, I'm sad with one of them, but it isn't of anyone's business, I want to understand it's just a bad fase of her life. I'm supposed to meet my friend Juliana this January, I hope she doesn't forget to write to me...
___It's enough for today, I will try to post something tomorrow too, but pictures I think I can't publish any now, I have to buy battery to my camera and it's a s***, one day I will buy a new one but untill now I can't, I have to get some money to buy it because they love selling it for high prices. See you.
Thank you Camila and happy New Year to you!
Enjoyed a lot! » »
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »
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