Finally I took my decision and I'm going to start University this month, I chose Administration because there wasn't another good thing here to do... believe me, I really suffered with that but in the end Inshaa Allah everything will be alright.
The documents I'm showing you in these pictures today are the ones I need to make the admission but I'm still having to take more other ones like the Título de eleitor (to vote) and my Carteira de Trabalho (to work). All this just made me not sleep during 2 weeks, untill now no rest, I'm feeling dead.
A happy new from all these things in these current days is that today when I went to my course to ask about the day of the beginning of the classes is that I found my name in "The Best Ones" of the second semester of 2005. I really wasn't waiting for that but I shall admit that left me happier than anything.
I'm going to shut up and let you see the pictures...

My Histórico Escolar, I had to take it today because I need this document to make my University admission.

Check my grades in the first year of high school, I know the picture isn't clear but it was the best I could do although it's nice you can't see it well because I was becoming a dumb in that time.

In the second year...

The third and last year.

Can you see this stamp and mark?? They costed me R$ 4,00. Bad!

Hey! Does it really look like me??? Terrible, don't you agree with me??? Be calm, don't die because it's just a copy, the colored one is a little better.

Another document. Nascimento means born and bellow you can see other parts of it.

Just the Brazil real name.

The place were I was born, I hate it but what can I do? I'm from Senador Camará - Jabour. And you can see the date Vinte e quatro (24), the month April comes in the other line but I didn't take a pic of it.

Aha! My name!

It's the document I have already taken to take Rabie's card when he comes. The people there informed me how to do it, simple as I did when I had to take mine.

The number of this document, of course it will change after we give all the information but untill now... I already have it and I'm happy.
By Camila.
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