We will start with the little Scooby making fun with me.

Nice pose.

He ran.

Nico my love.

Lelé, I made she wake up. Don't look too much to my father's sandal because she is a tief.

Sleepy one.

I think she was going to die if kept the eyes opened.

Scooby, my star.

Bela, my aunt's dog.


Nico complaining about something I don't remember.

Tico, he is so sweety.


He loves kind.

He will sleep...


Hahaha, she will fall down!

She woke up.

No way to keep the eyes opened!

My brother.

Nice fish face.


He was simply bitting my foot and tried to hide it when I made the camera near him. Bad Scooby.


Like a frog.
Now the cars I was talking to Rabie about.

My aunt's car.

My grandfather's car.
Now it was missing just my grandmother's car, a Frod Ka.

My aunt's car.

My father's car, I love driving it even it's so big.

My uncle's car.
By Camila.
Scooby is neat; he must be lots of fun!
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