Starting with our actress Lele making a mess.

See what a beautiful charming face! Who can't love this sweet girl?

Now I think she got sad but my perfect slim Scooby was saying "don't worry my love, everything will be fine again, just be with me...". That's all love.

Ihhhh now she got stressed!!!! Please! Do not eat him!!!! Scooby must be carefull with Lele, we don't know when she is ready to attack!

My wonderful brother saved Scooby from Lele's teeth.

If you look well you will see Scooby near Nico's feet, I think he didn't want to appear in the picture but noway, I did it.

I don't know what he meant...

He was so handsome at this picture, it's a pitty that he didn't like it.
By Camila.
Those puppies were cute! Hope you are doing well.
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