An airplane with 149 passenger and 6 crew members disappeared last friday. The Boeing 737-800 took off from Manaus (Amazonas capital) at 15h35 and musted land in Brasília (Brazil's capital) at 18h12. The destine wasn't reached.
The boeing shocked with a personal airplane that was out of its way. The other little airplane could follow and arrive in the right destine but the boeing lost the control, because it's a such big plane, and falled down being completely distoried.
The FAB (Força Aérea Brasileira - Brazilian Air Force) in the same night sent people to the accident's place to make a rescue. At the first view they said every 150 people in the airplane had died.
The Air Force said it's almost impossible to have survivors after what the witnesses said and after was almost sure proved. Infraero afirmed the boieng falled in the vertical in the speed of 400 km/h untill its front part shock with the floor in the forest in Mato Grosso.
They got the black boxes of the airplane and they supposed the rescue was going to take between 2 or 3 days. The rescue continued on sunday and they could find about 100 bodies. The smell of dead people and the closed and big trees in the forest aren't helping the rescue people.

The Legacy - the personal plane that shocked with the boieng and could get safe in its destine.
A view from up of the wreckage. The you can see how it was supposed, by the first look, that no one could had survided.
The rescue group trying to get there and analising the place before landing.
Getting there.
The such closed trees difficulting the rescue and just a few part of the boeing in the pic.
Only parts of the airplane.
A view from far from where they falled down and big forest.
They published the list of people. The 149 passengers:
- Acker, Jaques
- Alves, Leonardo
- Anchienta, Elcio
- Araujo, Agamenon
- Armindo, Antonio
- Azeredo, Gilson
- Azevedo, Marcelo
- Azevedo, Otto Bernardo
- Barato, Jose
- Barbero, Valdinei Roberto
- Barbosa, Henrique
- Barreto, Rafael
- Benedito, Luiz Rogerio
- Benjamim, Maria Terezinha
- Beyer, Hugo
- Bonaroski, Luiz
- Bortozolo, Erthelvine
- Bovi, Marilene
- Branco, Kelison
- Bressan, Keila
- Brito, Ana Claudia
- Cabrerizo, Gustavo
- Calandrini, Fabiana
- Calandrini, Joao Ariano
- Cardoso, Claudio
- Carvalho, Luiz
- Carvalho, Viviane
- Cavalcante, Francisco
- Cavalcante, Rossana
- Coelho, Jose
- Colli, Vanessa
- Colognese, Nelson
- Copat, Ivan
- Costa, Elizabeth
- Costa, Josenilda
- Costa, Gilcley
- Cruz, Carlos
- Cruz, Maria Valeria
- Custodio, Luiz
- Da Rocha, Claudio
- Darc, Joana
- De Jesus, Oscar
- De Jesus, Ruth
- Divino, Silvia
- Duarte Doria, Nilo
- Eustaquio, Thiago
- Falcao, Joseane
- Farias, Francisco
- Felippe, Paulo Cesar
- Ferreira, Marcelo
- Fontoura, Andre
- Freixo, Luana
- Garcia, Francisco
- Garcia, Helen
- Garcia, Pedro Henrique
- Godoy, Helio
- Gomes, Regina
- Gonçalves Sobrinho, Laza
- Guidi, Julio
- Gutjahr, Rolf
- Hancock, Douglas
- Ignacio, Joana
- Kowalski, Andreas
- Leal, Joao
- Leite, Angela
- Lemos, Lucas
- Lesqueves, Eugenio
- Lima, Thalita
- Lins, Eteuvino
- Lleras, Mario
- Lleras, Daniel
- Loiola, Francisco Chagas
- Lopes, Marcelo Paixao
- Lopes, Marcelo
- Lopes, Marcelo
- Lucas, Esdras
- Macedo, Olga
- Macena, Maria Auxiliadora
- Machado, Marlon
- Machado, Valdomiro
- Magalhaes, Rosana
- Maia, Maria Zilda
- Maia, Lavosier
- Malafaia, Mario
- Marques, Inez
- Mattos, Antonio
- Melo, Osman
- Melo, Izelia
- Mendes, Julio
- Mendes, Augusto
- Mendes, Marina
- Michel, Frederick
- Miranda, Ronivon
- Moraes, Glecio
- Moreira, Patricia
- Moreira, Quezia
- Naranjo, Rayssa
- Nardt, Francisco
- Neres, Karla
- Noe, Ronaldo
- Oliveira, Charlie
- Oliveira, Marcio
- Oliveira, Francisco
- Oliveira, Enio de
- Oliveira, Vandemir
- Oliveira, Antonia
- Padilha, Janine
- Panizzi, Lourdes
- Peixoto, Pedro
- Pessoa, Antonio
- Pimentel, Walter
- Pivotto, Eleta
- Prado, Dornelio
- Radesca, Ricardo
- Ramos, Joao Eloi
- Rezende, Atila
- Rezende, Ismar
- Rezende, Maria
- Rezende, Francielle
- Rickly, Maria das Graças
- Rigueira, Marcelo
- Rocha, Salustiano
- Rodrigues, Maria Jose
- Rodrigues, Adair
- Rodrigues, Antonio
- Romano, Mauro
- Rondini, Michel
- Rosa, Claudemir
- Sant Anna Junior, Mozart
- Santos, Paulo
- Santos, Alexandre
- Santos, Emanuelle
- Santos, Luiz
- Silva, Felipe
- Silva, Ana
- Silva, Daniel
- Silva, Juvencio
- Silva, Rogerio
- Silva, Mario
- Siqueira, Plinio
- Sousa, Carlos
- Souza, Eduardo
- Souza, Ricardo
- Souza Junior, Carlos
- Tarifa, Ricardo
- Trindade, Jose
- Viana, Huederfidel
- Vianna, Hamilton
- Xavier, Samantha
The 6 crew members:
- Commander - Decio Chaves Junior
- Copilot - Thiago Jordao Cruso
- Flight Attendant - Renata Souza Fernandes
- Flight Attendant - Sandra da Silva Martins
- Flight Attendant - Nerisvan Dackson Canuto da Silva
- Flight Attendant - Rodrigo de Paula Lima
1 comment:
These kinds of things are always sad.
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