He was always good with everyone, no disturb, no bites, no noise, but I don't know who could be bad enough to take away his life. He didn't deserve that. But... the worse happened. Someone, so bad, so terrible, with no heart, gave him a possion and made him suffer untill die and the only boy who saw him feeling bad didn't tell anyone because thought he would go just sleep even he was looking so hard.
We took too much time to notice that he didn't move and when I went to check without know that someone had done something to him, I saw what I wouldn't like to see, Marley was dead.
Mrs. Eunice is completely sad and angry, sad about the poor Marley and angry with the one who could do that to a great animal that he was. Her, my mother and I wish with all the power that the one who did it suffer the triple he made Marley suffer before dying.
Marley, God bless you, be fine wherever you are, and I know, I'm sure you are in a great place, now, far from all these bad people. We love you, and thank you for the years (about 5) that you spent with us, you were a great one, and sorry if one day we mistaked with you once.
My sincere regards,

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