My lovely, you were wonderful, there is nothing more I can say right now but I think I said all when you could listen to me, have your jumps and barks, but right now you are in a better place, with your mother that you couldn't stand even sleep without or far of her. I also miss her so much but I'm someone impotent near God, He decides the right moments and the best ways.
I know it doesn't work too much to be writting here but the memories of our times together will never be regreted or forgotten. You, darling, deserve everything of best wherever you are and while I was looking into your eyes in the time I was obligated to let you go to stop suffering I saw I was doing the right thing to be done.
Junior.... there are no more words to thank you all you have taught me throught all these years. I've learnt that sometimes we spend too much money to care about appearence, or about clothes or to make the people think we are good ones by outside, we study to get MONEY or a best future but couldn't we see during all this time that the real happiness is always inside our home? Inside of our hearts? Inside ones like you, and your mother, and the other that had made the passage. I wish I could have done more, have dedicated myself more, get angryless when I could smile and enjoy the moments wish really were important.
With the death and the life we learn many things and I'm glad that I won't regret a minute that you were here because even knowing that I could have done more I did my best while I could, untill the last moment. I just never wanted to let you suffer and now, love, go in peace and send my regards to the others that are also so unforgetable as you are. It needed time, but now I know which are the important things in life because we never know when the "right moment" is. Enjoy there. God bless you.
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