Do everything you want to do, say everything you want to say and think what you have to think, don't worry about what will happen. The life is just one, enjoy it.
Hey! Help the dogs.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Sítio Jonosake
It was a nice day, we went to a place called Sítio Jonosake. It's from a Japanese man so you will see things like gardens in Japanese style. There we found swimming pools and all the food and drinks are free, drink and eat how much you want and can. I can say we enjoied well and it was a happy day.
The poneys didn't want to say "hi" to everyone, they wanted only eat and be far from the people.
My aunt with white cap is dancing following the teachers.
Me in the little waterfall.
Now they started the dance from South of Brazil. I really like it and that's why I took some pictures.
Now they will make a dance with knifes. I tried to take nice pictures but they were moving fast and the knifes didn't appear.
Now, comemorating carnaval a little. I know it's over but they did it.
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