Gostaria de citar uma parte de um livro chamado A civilização das formas: o corpo como valor que na verdade diz respeito à postagem Opposites do dia 29.05.2007. Se trata de um resumo de pesquisas feitas com homens e mulheres que indica o ponto de vista de cada um com relação a um relacionamento e ao corpo de cada um.
"Um dos dados que mais chamaram nossa atenção, ao analisar algumas das questões da pesquisa, foi a presença significativa da categoria corpo nas respostas femininas e masculinas. Por exemplo, ao perguntarmos às mulheres: "O que você mais inveja em uma mulher?", elas respoderam: a beleza em primeiro lugar, o corpo, em seguida, e a inteligência em terceiro lugar. Quando perguntamos aos homes: "O que você mais inveja em um homem?", tivemos como respostas: a inteligência, o poder econômico, a beleza e o corpo.
Em outra questão, perguntamos às mulheres: "O que mais a atrai em um homem?" obtivemos como resposta: a inteligência, o corpor e o olhar. Quando perguntamos aos homens: "O que mais o atrai em uma mulher?", encontramos: a beleza, a inteligência e o corpo. A categoria corpo aparece ainda com maior destaque quando perguntamos às mulheres: "O que mais a atrai sexualmente em um homem?" as respostas foram: o tórax, o corpo e as pernas. Para os homens: "O que mais o atrai sexualmente em uma mulher?", tivemos as respostas: a bunda, o corpo e os seios.
Não iremos nos deter aqui na diferença de peso que a preocupação com o corpo tem para os pesquisados, ou como eles valorizam esta diferença, mas na recorrência desta categoria como algo invejado, desejado e admirado, não apenas pelas mulheres, mas também, expressivamente, pelos homens. O mais interessante é que em todas as questões acima a categoria corpo aparece sem nenhum adjetivo, como uma entidade autônoma, independente, abstrata. Em apenas uma das questões da pesquisa -- quando, para saber o que homens e mulheres procuram em um relacionamento afetivo, propusemos: "Se você escrevesse um anúncio com o objetivo de encontrar um parceiro, como se descreveria? Como você descreveria o que procura em parceiro?" -- este corpo aparece como "definido", "malhado", "trabalhado", "sarado", "saudável", "atlético", "bonito", entre outros. Torna-se "coisa para o outro", um corpo que pertence a um indivíduo que se apresenta e descreve as características que busca em um parceio."
(Páginas 35 e 36) Autores: Mirian Goldenberg e Marcelo Silva Ramos.
Do everything you want to do, say everything you want to say and think what you have to think, don't worry about what will happen. The life is just one, enjoy it. Hey! Help the dogs.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Today, I was talking to my aunt about men. It's so funny, she said everywomen she works and study with say the same thing. It's good that she is studying psicology and is near to discover the big misteries that are behind this topic. She said I was so young to know all that but I was just like that other women she knew, and like her too. She told me that on our holiday she wants to make a community for orkut, but we will decide it well after this university semester.
The advice she told me was to be single all my life but I told her it's not my focus, I want to try to be different from the others. I know it's hard in a world that everyone divorce just because they woke up bad and don't want the other anymore. In a world that people get mad at simple things, at things that could be left behind and just share good moments, hug when we feel mad, cry, smile even we don't want that. These are good feelings that wether we try them all the time, although it be a hard time, the things become better, we understand the things in a clear way. The solution to our problems come when we feel standed by someone and when we feel that even in the times we try but don't be successfull we get a smile and a word of compreension.
My friends from university are nice with me. They are men.I have the chance to see how they deal with their problems, with their things but my mind is still a women's mind and I understand their way but I just can't be like them. I don't see the same necessity to worry about the things they worry about, I don't see reasons for the fights they said they had in times. I think there are much more important things to we care about. I think men and women will be always the opposite but will them oneday really be capable to understand each other?
If you want to try an answer just send it as a welcome comment.
The advice she told me was to be single all my life but I told her it's not my focus, I want to try to be different from the others. I know it's hard in a world that everyone divorce just because they woke up bad and don't want the other anymore. In a world that people get mad at simple things, at things that could be left behind and just share good moments, hug when we feel mad, cry, smile even we don't want that. These are good feelings that wether we try them all the time, although it be a hard time, the things become better, we understand the things in a clear way. The solution to our problems come when we feel standed by someone and when we feel that even in the times we try but don't be successfull we get a smile and a word of compreension.
My friends from university are nice with me. They are men.I have the chance to see how they deal with their problems, with their things but my mind is still a women's mind and I understand their way but I just can't be like them. I don't see the same necessity to worry about the things they worry about, I don't see reasons for the fights they said they had in times. I think there are much more important things to we care about. I think men and women will be always the opposite but will them oneday really be capable to understand each other?
If you want to try an answer just send it as a welcome comment.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Yesterday and today
Well, I'm feeling happy and all I wanted to say about the newI received before yesterday was that my uncle Anderson will marry to Monique, his girlfriend. I didn't have time to explain to anyone that I'm really happy for this. Not because she is half French, but because her Father is Tunisian and that Monique thinks her father is still remembering some Arabic. It would be something nice to Rabie for have someone to speak with. And I think it will be a different party, her father is Tunisian but jew, what I think so nice.
I wish I could have a better way with my father and that he knew how to deal with us. Yesterday was a really wonderful day with him to say the opposite. I just think he could understand that nothing will work with me with pressure. Saying it's in the time he wants, to do the things he want, when he wants. He can't say only 'no' to us in our lives, be angry it's ok but call his son of something not good or deal with a hair cut like if it was the end of the world is terrible. He is worse than a kid. But today I could deal with the situation even inside myself I was near to say some bad things to him.
Anyway, I'm happy today and I wish I could share my happiness with the others but even I'm trying I'm not being successful. I just want to share smiles and I want to feel fine to don't think I'm saying something wrong, or that I did something that didn't let the others happy even I was trying my best and doing it from my heart. I'm avoiding only myself.
I wish I could have a better way with my father and that he knew how to deal with us. Yesterday was a really wonderful day with him to say the opposite. I just think he could understand that nothing will work with me with pressure. Saying it's in the time he wants, to do the things he want, when he wants. He can't say only 'no' to us in our lives, be angry it's ok but call his son of something not good or deal with a hair cut like if it was the end of the world is terrible. He is worse than a kid. But today I could deal with the situation even inside myself I was near to say some bad things to him.
Anyway, I'm happy today and I wish I could share my happiness with the others but even I'm trying I'm not being successful. I just want to share smiles and I want to feel fine to don't think I'm saying something wrong, or that I did something that didn't let the others happy even I was trying my best and doing it from my heart. I'm avoiding only myself.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Church's Arabic party.
Mom and I went there, to buy raha to Rabie and to go as we do every year. It was nice, we just arrived, bought the things we had to buy, talked to Aninha and her relatives and mom met her cousin Gisele there too and then, we hate to greet them too. But after all this we left.
The dancers, 3 if you can see them. The pictures aren't so good because there were too much people in front of me and my camera has no display, what doesn't help.

The dancers with the candles from far.
Another dancer now in the belly dance. She is wearing green, find her.
Pic a little moved, sorry for the camera.
A part of the table of the candies and one of Aninha's aunt working in it selling to the people.
Me in front of the closed main door of the church. Don't worry, the party is in the gate beside it. It was in the part behind of the church, no party was inside it.
Mom in the church's garden. Behind her was a cross but with this dark place and camera without flash is hard to make you see something.
The kafta, arabic bread and the package of the arabic breads. The man there gave us it because our hands were full of little plastic plates.

Lelé's babies were born on May 25th (25.05.07 Brasil).
Lelé and her babies.
Here we just have 4 girls but in total they were 5 babies. The little boy were born and we found him dead, maybe because she left him too much time inside the water and didn't make a hole in it to he breath and I wasn't there in the time it happened to try to help both.
Well, it's the life and now we have 4 beautiful girls to care about just helping Lelé with them. Good mother she is.
One of them at nico's hand, you see they are really small.
There is a black one in this darkness and Lelé didn't help me to photography them either.
So beautiful baby!
Another one.
Here we just have 4 girls but in total they were 5 babies. The little boy were born and we found him dead, maybe because she left him too much time inside the water and didn't make a hole in it to he breath and I wasn't there in the time it happened to try to help both.
Well, it's the life and now we have 4 beautiful girls to care about just helping Lelé with them. Good mother she is.

Thursday, May 24, 2007
I'm having problems with my connection today but it's ok, sometimes it happens and I just have to wait. When the weather is windy and rainy like today (without comments about the cold it's doing outside) the internet servers use to have problem. Maybe the wind distroies something but I really don't know what happens there.
Today we advanced more in the matter. I'm feeling happy for understanding something but while I was trying to download the new program to make my homework my connection left me and it's near the lunch time. Later I will have to go to work and then just will do something or study something another time.
I'm still offline but writing in the note to post later. My dogs are making a big mess and even I say, clap or scare them they are still doing that, I'm feeling silly.
Será que alguém já ouviu a estória do "capetóide"? Hehe, é realmente engraçado. Meu pequeno irmão quando está com sono diz muitas coisas sem nexo. Uma delas por exemplo, tirando o antigo "mumunha", agora é o capetóide. Passa-se o tempo e ele vive dizendo que os pobres bichinhos, por latirem, chorarem, morderem tudo e fazerem um pouco de barulho são "capetinhas".
Outro dia porém, fomos dormir e por volta das 10 da noite. Matheus bem cheio de sono e acho que já muito "bêbado" de sonhos ouviu o Gordo latir e do fundo da cachola tirou a bonita frase: "Meu Deus! Manda esse capetóide calar a boca!" Hahahaha! Foi realmente demais. Além de que no dia seguinte não fazia idéia do que tinha dito e após dizermos o que houve ele ria sem parar nos perguntando "Eu disse isso?! Hehehe, mentira! Hahaha! Mas ele é um capetóide mesmo... rs"
Today we advanced more in the matter. I'm feeling happy for understanding something but while I was trying to download the new program to make my homework my connection left me and it's near the lunch time. Later I will have to go to work and then just will do something or study something another time.
I'm still offline but writing in the note to post later. My dogs are making a big mess and even I say, clap or scare them they are still doing that, I'm feeling silly.
Será que alguém já ouviu a estória do "capetóide"? Hehe, é realmente engraçado. Meu pequeno irmão quando está com sono diz muitas coisas sem nexo. Uma delas por exemplo, tirando o antigo "mumunha", agora é o capetóide. Passa-se o tempo e ele vive dizendo que os pobres bichinhos, por latirem, chorarem, morderem tudo e fazerem um pouco de barulho são "capetinhas".
Outro dia porém, fomos dormir e por volta das 10 da noite. Matheus bem cheio de sono e acho que já muito "bêbado" de sonhos ouviu o Gordo latir e do fundo da cachola tirou a bonita frase: "Meu Deus! Manda esse capetóide calar a boca!" Hahahaha! Foi realmente demais. Além de que no dia seguinte não fazia idéia do que tinha dito e após dizermos o que houve ele ria sem parar nos perguntando "Eu disse isso?! Hehehe, mentira! Hahaha! Mas ele é um capetóide mesmo... rs"
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Too much homework, groupwork and new matters to study for the next tests. Work too.
I'm listening to some music while my mind is flying somewhere else.
My uncle left his home again, but soon he is going to back, it's always like this. He just should stop being with the ex-husband of one of my cousin's, that man isn't someone nice and he is making my uncle become like him, but it's life, I can't say anything and I won't change anything.
My dogs are becoming beautiful again, getting the weight they lost again. Pretinho, every passed day, is being so smart.
There is a problem about my trip. Will the teacher make me present my work on that day? I hope the trip doesn't start from the morning, if it does I'm dead.
Sorry, my eyes are closing, I'm feeling tired and I'm still having to finish something of my homework to lunch and go to work.
I'm listening to some music while my mind is flying somewhere else.
My uncle left his home again, but soon he is going to back, it's always like this. He just should stop being with the ex-husband of one of my cousin's, that man isn't someone nice and he is making my uncle become like him, but it's life, I can't say anything and I won't change anything.
My dogs are becoming beautiful again, getting the weight they lost again. Pretinho, every passed day, is being so smart.
There is a problem about my trip. Will the teacher make me present my work on that day? I hope the trip doesn't start from the morning, if it does I'm dead.
Sorry, my eyes are closing, I'm feeling tired and I'm still having to finish something of my homework to lunch and go to work.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Moroccan music
Some good sites about Moroccan music:
Saturday, May 19, 2007
My lovers.
I took these pictures today morning, near 11:30 a.m. I was without do anything and I wanted to keep photos of my friend Pretinho.
If it's the first time you see him I'm presenting you, Pretinho.
He came because I called him to come close to take some pictures and because I went to give his food of the morning. Later, just in the night.
See how he is kind! Yesterday morning, Junior, a friend of mine and my brother gave shower on him, Marley and in the other dogs of the street, they didn't like but today they are so clean.
This is Marley. He was sleeping in my gate behind me. His little friend, I mean, another female little dog which be with him all the time was sleeping near the tree in front of me, but she is so small, like a pincher, so I couldn't take a picture of her also because she is a little nervous.
Pretinhooooo! Mouah!
Now Junior is spending a big holiday with his mother Laika. He is happy but just look tired because he woke up when I was outside with Pretinho.
Laika falled down because she was so tired and had just woke up.
Junior is behind Laika, you can see his 'hands' with white fingers below the red clothe of Laika.
My Juninho.
Guguinha is still a little sick but he is starting to get better. Thank God!
I tried to take a picture of Gordo but he was faster than me and stood up before the camera takes it.
Kika is being fine too but she is still slow to eat and is not feeling hungry.
Branquinha clever as ever.

The little boring Cookie. I will take another picture of him but later I post it.
Hiena is missing in the picture because he was sleeping inside their 'home' so as he is sick too he is just tired and prefers to keep quiet.
Today earlier they also ate a food with some milk, bread, banana and vitamines. I hope it keeps them a little healthy considering that Guguinha spent all this week when he was sick just eating bananas.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Today I want to congratulate my aunt Simone for her birthday and for the new of this week, the house!
I want to see everything going well for her and for her family. God bless her and her family always because they are such important to me.
I love you, aunt, take care, please, always!
I want to see everything going well for her and for her family. God bless her and her family always because they are such important to me.
I love you, aunt, take care, please, always!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Mohammed Amine
P.S.: In respect to my whole family, just these pictures will be posted and I hope you like this beautiful baby.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Momentos inconstantes do ser humano são normais. Ter momentos tristes, felizes, nervosos e de extrema alegria também são comuns embora aparentem aos outros ao nosso redor apenas uma mudança de humor sem explicação lógica.
Prejudicamos outras pessoas às vezes sem saber, contamos coisas pensando que estamos ajudando e no final das contas apenas atrapalhamos e causamos o efeito oposto do que gostaríamos sendo que contamos com o apoio daqueles que amamos pensando no melhor deles e somente na fecilidade dos que nos cercam sem querer machucá-los de forma alguma.
Seria também parte do ser humano se comportar de maneira agressiva às coisas que não gostamos? Seria possível adivinhar pensamentos e saber o quanto podemos machucar alguém que gostamos com palavras que pensávamos estar fazendo o certo em vez do errado? Difícil admitir o real motivo e razão por todas essas coisas. Espero estar indo pelo caminho certo e não estar magoando quem amo por coisas simples que na verdade achava que dizer ou contar um fato do meu dia pudesse manter nossa relação sempre constante e bem.
Prejudicamos outras pessoas às vezes sem saber, contamos coisas pensando que estamos ajudando e no final das contas apenas atrapalhamos e causamos o efeito oposto do que gostaríamos sendo que contamos com o apoio daqueles que amamos pensando no melhor deles e somente na fecilidade dos que nos cercam sem querer machucá-los de forma alguma.
Seria também parte do ser humano se comportar de maneira agressiva às coisas que não gostamos? Seria possível adivinhar pensamentos e saber o quanto podemos machucar alguém que gostamos com palavras que pensávamos estar fazendo o certo em vez do errado? Difícil admitir o real motivo e razão por todas essas coisas. Espero estar indo pelo caminho certo e não estar magoando quem amo por coisas simples que na verdade achava que dizer ou contar um fato do meu dia pudesse manter nossa relação sempre constante e bem.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
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