Lelé and her babies.
Here we just have 4 girls but in total they were 5 babies. The little boy were born and we found him dead, maybe because she left him too much time inside the water and didn't make a hole in it to he breath and I wasn't there in the time it happened to try to help both.
Well, it's the life and now we have 4 beautiful girls to care about just helping Lelé with them. Good mother she is.

One of them at nico's hand, you see they are really small.

There is a black one in this darkness and Lelé didn't help me to photography them either.

So beautiful baby!

Another one.

The third to born.

Grandpa's lunch. He left there and went to take the soda.

Ah, something! Dalila and her kids left. My aunt sold them all to the same man. I hope they are fine.

Scooby trying to ask something for eat too. His food is in his plate but he likes our food.
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