I took these pictures today morning, near 11:30 a.m. I was without do anything and I wanted to keep photos of my friend Pretinho.

If it's the first time you see him I'm presenting you, Pretinho.

He came because I called him to come close to take some pictures and because I went to give his food of the morning. Later, just in the night.


See how he is kind! Yesterday morning, Junior, a friend of mine and my brother gave shower on him, Marley and in the other dogs of the street, they didn't like but today they are so clean.

This is Marley. He was sleeping in my gate behind me. His little friend, I mean, another female little dog which be with him all the time was sleeping near the tree in front of me, but she is so small, like a pincher, so I couldn't take a picture of her also because she is a little nervous.

Pretinhooooo! Mouah!

Now Junior is spending a big holiday with his mother Laika. He is happy but just look tired because he woke up when I was outside with Pretinho.

Laika falled down because she was so tired and had just woke up.

Junior is behind Laika, you can see his 'hands' with white fingers below the red clothe of Laika.

My Juninho.

Guguinha is still a little sick but he is starting to get better. Thank God!

I tried to take a picture of Gordo but he was faster than me and stood up before the camera takes it.

Kika is being fine too but she is still slow to eat and is not feeling hungry.

Branquinha clever as ever.
The little boring Cookie. I will take another picture of him but later I post it.
Hiena is missing in the picture because he was sleeping inside their 'home' so as he is sick too he is just tired and prefers to keep quiet.
Today earlier they also ate a food with some milk, bread, banana and vitamines. I hope it keeps them a little healthy considering that Guguinha spent all this week when he was sick just eating bananas.
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