Friday, January 28, 2011

Princesa and the Milteforan

Today I'm so happy because the medication I bought for Princesa has come. The postmail gave me it today around the lunch time and I can't hide my happiness. She is 6,8 kg nowadays and we hope that in 2 months she recupair her weight a before. Let's wait and see the result.


Anonymous said...

Where page you did buy?I live in Paraguay and I really need for my dog too how you buy can you help me please? my mail is
so much thanks

Lyara Apostolico said...

Oi Cam,
estou precisando comprar Milteforan para a minha pastora. Vc pode me dar a dica de onde vc comprou o seu?


........................ Cam Bernardes said...

Oi Lyara, eu consegui pelo
Pelo menos chegou direitinho pra cá onde moro. Desculpa a demora para responder mas só vi seu comentário hoje. Espero que não seja tarde demais.