Thursday, January 26, 2012


This week has been too mixed. Full of emotions, quarrells, important dates, important dales, important news.

I don't know why everything happened like this. My wedding birthday yesterday, completing 4 years with Rabie, was in blank. There was no comemoration and we just had more missunderstings. Well, what can I do if since last week I'm waking up at 4:00h and sleeping at 00:00h, carring of the house - wich is being too bad cared, by the way - cooking when its weekend and carring about my dogs and cats.

Gordo is spending these days in a hotel for dogs because unhapply I can't care of him too if I'm working since november and I go out for working at 6:00h and come back home everyday at 21:00h.

Today I hope that everything is over. And something new is that 3 buildings here in downtown just falled down and there is the risk of more one building come down like the others.

Yesterday, someone here in my work is just someone out of control who likes to quarrell and speak loud with the others for no reason. She thinks that she is too important that no one can answer her anything in her face. So wrong she is, poor of her. After her quarrell for a stupid thing that she understood wrong she went to "cry" to the secretary of the subsecretary complaining about don't let me have my lunch with my friend here. And better, I didn't do anything wrong to deserve this. But she is crazy. Then, today, the secretary came to officialize the news and said that the monster woman is my supervisor, after my boss, she is the one in charge. Unhapply I have to say sorry, but untill when she thinks that she is superior enough to have rights to be unpolite she wont own me.

Anyway, I had to write this here or I would explose because when I have my rights I must speak. I won't let someone step over me for foolish things. Wanna fire me? Go ahead. But respect me, because I will make myself be respected.

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