Saturday, October 21, 2006

Making part of the team

From a long time there is no new here and now I'm writing. The little dogs are getting fine, thank God! We have been carring about them and they are getting better, soon we can look for owners to them.

You don't know but now I make part of a female soccer team. It's called Team Chicago Brasil. Strange name to a Brazilian team, isn't it? Yes, I agree with you, but this team has another one in USA in Chicago. They have the same name but the one from here has Brasil to make us different from there though we are directly connected to them in US. I'm happy to make part of the team. They are really nice and yesterday was my first day there with them in the training. Happly, I made a goal. It was so nice. I played in all the postes and I think I wasn't so bad but I'm still without a good physic prepare.

It's my news. I will think about taking pictures of the little pets and post here. Now they are big and smart but are still a little ugly because they were sick and just now, after getting better, they are having their hair again.

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