Monday, July 02, 2007


My little love, I didn't forget posting it, just waited a little time to do it.

I know you are fine and all I want to do is thank you for coming to say you were fine and to say your last bye. It was a happy dream and you showed you were better and happy. I know I didn't want to let you go, but you know it was because of the love I have for you.

You, as the others who had left this visible world to go to a better place, came to show the love you also had for me. I hope we all enjoyed together. When I woke up I wished it hadn't happened because I knew it was your last words, I was afraid to tell myself to admit that it had happened. It's hard to think that maybe more something like this can happen in just one year.

About you, darling, I love you as the others. I thank the time we had together. I was really wonderful. But just who lived with you all, cared, and wished that you had the best life we could give you, to understand the importance and the place you took in our hearts. Many people can't understand how hard is stand this memories wishing you all just could be here back.

The time to cry is passing, just changing time by time. Even it's hard we will be able to understand and accept it in a best way after some time.

Just wanna say I love you, not only you, Guguinha, but you all.

Camila Bernardes.

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